Foto aérea de la Plaza Central del campus UANDES

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About Us

Feel at home in Chile, at the UAndes School of Business and Economics. Immerse into an environment that you’ll never forget and become part of a community that inspires you to be your best. With our distinct programs and our unique world-class campus at the Andes mountains, you’ll find a chance to grow culturally, academically and personally. Learn Economics, Finance, Marketing, International Business and more, in English or Spanish, from professors who are at the frontiers of knowledge. I invite you to take a closer look at the UANDES SBE, visiting our Instagram accounts @internationalbusinessuandes and @comercialuandes
We can’t wait to join you at building wonderful memories in Chile.


Karin Jürgensen


Elevated Education Experience

Ranked among the top 3 business schools in Chile, the Uandes SBE delivers an unparalleled educational journey. With an esteemed international faculty, cutting-edge technology, and access to premier resources such as our world-class library and Bloomberg Lab, our students are equipped with the tools to excel in their careers or academic pursuits.

Dynamic Curricula

The UANDES SBE offers dynamic curricula with a diverse array of courses available in English and Spanish. Students can pursue majors in Economics, Finance, Marketing, and International Business, acquiring essential knowledge, critical skills, and hands-on experience for today’s dynamic and challenging business landscape.

Our Campus

Modern and vibrant campus 

The unique UANDES campus is located in Santiago, Chile, at the foot of the Andes mountains. Its 128 acres combine green areas and sports fields with remarkable buildings, research labs and a teaching hospital in campus. The infrastructure and layout have been carefully developed to foster a study environment that favors intellectual creativity and growth. 

School Leadership and Staff

Karin Jürgensen

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Álvaro García

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
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María Teresa Correa Ferrer

Associate Dean for Student Affairs
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Nicolás Román Purcell

Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs
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André Bergoeing Reid

Director of BS in International Business / MBA, Universidad de los Andes
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David Kimber

Director of Graduate Programs / Ph.D. Communications, Universidad de Navarra

Acceso a su perfil de investigación.

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Mario Alejandro Tessada Pérez

Director of Master in Finance / MBA P.U.C.
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Nicolás Riquelme

Director of Master in Economics / Ph.D. Economics, University of Rochester
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Anil Sadarangani

Director of Innovation / Ph.D. Biological Sciences, P.U.C.
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Paulina Mahuzier

Director for Undergraduate Students
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Elisabeth Farrelly

Assistant Director for International Accreditations / MBA, Yale University
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María Constanza Crestuzzo Manuello

Assistant Director for Teaching & Learning
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Daniela Jadue

Assistant Director for Marketing and Communications
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María Teresa Bustamante

Administrative Assistant
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Valentina Caroca

Head of Professional Development
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Cecilia Johnson

Administrative Assistant
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Consuelo Merino

Administrative Assistant
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Paula Videla

Administrative Assistant for Undergraduate Students
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Faculty and Research

Full-time Faculty

Research Faculty

Jorge Alé-Chilet

Ph.D. Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Andrés Barrios-Fernández

Ph.D. Economics, London School of Economics
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Cristián Cuevas

Ph.D. Economics, Georgetown University
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Sebastián Claro

Ph.D. Economics, UCLA
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Leonardo D. Epstein

Ph.D. Statistics, Carnegie Mellon
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Álvaro García-Marín

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs / Ph.D. Management, UCLA

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Daniel Habermacher

Ph.D. Economics, University of Warwick 
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Ignacio Inostroza-Quezada

Ph.D. Management, Rutgers University
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Mauricio Larraín E.

Ph.D. Economics, University of California, Berkeley
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Francisco Morales

Ph.D. Strategic, Organizational and Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
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Ana Elisa Pereira

Ph.D. Economics, FGV Sao Paulo School of Economics
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Christian Pescher

Ph.D. Marketing and Innovation, Universität Passau
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Javier Pinto-Garay

Ph.D. Philosophy, Universidad de Navarra
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Nicolás Riquelme

Director of Master in Economics / Ph.D. Economics, University of Rochester
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Jorge Rodríguez

Ph.D. Economics, The University of Chicago
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Juan Pedro Ronconi

Ph.D. Economics, Brown University
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Juan Sotes-Paladino

Ph.D. Finance, University of Southern California
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Ángel Soto

Ph.D. History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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Juan Pablo Xandri

Ph.D. Economics, MIT
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Wei Xiong

Ph.D. in Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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Vincent Van Kervel

Ph.D. in finance, Tilburg University, Netherlands.
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Marcela Mello

Ph.D. in Economics, Brown University, USA.
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Teaching Faculty

André Bergoeing Reid

Director of BS in International Business / MBA, Universidad de los Andes
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Carlos Budnevich Le-Fort

Ph.D. Economics, University of Pennsylvania
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Elisabeth Farrelly

Assistant Director for International Accreditations / MBA, Yale University
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David Kimber

Director of Graduate Programs / Ph.D. Communications, Universidad de Navarra

Acceso a su perfil de investigación.

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Juan Nagel

MA Economics, University of Michigan
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Anil Sadarangani

Director of Innovation / Ph.D. Biological Sciences, P.U.C.
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Verónica Talac Ramírez

BS Management, P.U.C.
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Mario Alejandro Tessada Pérez

Director of Master in Finance / MBA P.U.C.
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Francisco Ulloa Picasso

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Research Assistants

Sofía Flechtner Salas

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Jorge Jara Espinoza

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Josefina Muñoz

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Patricio Romero

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Alexander Valenzuela

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Hugo Salgado

Grado académico mayor: Master of Economics, Universidad de Chile
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José Ignacio Calderón

Master of Applied Economics, Universidad de Chile
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Cecilia Correa

Master of Economic Analysis, Universidad de Chile
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Maximiliano Villalobos

Master of Applied Economics, P.U.C.
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Recent Publications

2024 / Journal of Political Economy

The ABCs of Firm Heterogeneity when Firms Sort into Markets: The Case of Exporters.

Bernardo Blum, Sebastián Claro, Ig Horstmann and David Rivers

2024 / Marketing Science

Can AI Help in Ideation? A Theory-Based Model for Idea Screening in Crowdsourcing Contests.

Bell, Jason, Christian Pescher, Gerard J. Tellis, Johann Füller

2024 / Quarterly Journal of Political Science

International Cooperation, Information Transmission and Delegation

Emiel Awad and Nicolás Riquelme

2024 / International Business Review

The impact of experience on the agglomeration of cross-border investments within a region: The case of private equity in emerging markets.

Mingo, S., Ciravegna, L., & Morales, F.

2024 / Economics of Education Review

Teacher value-added and gender gaps in educational outcomes

Andrés Barrios and Marc Riudavets-Barcons

2024 / Journal of International Economics

UIP deviations: Insights from Event Studies

Elias Albagli, Luis Ceballos, Sebastián Claro, Damián Romero

2024 / Nature Communications

Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries

Andrighetto, G.,… Morales, F., et al

2024 / Journal of Banking and Finance

The Value of Growth: Changes in Profitability and Future Stock Returns

Lim, B., Sotes-Paladino, J., Yao, Ch., and Wang, G.

2024 / Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social “Disertaciones”

Asociación entre el uso del teléfono inteligente y el rendimiento académico de escolares chilenos.

Leiva, R. & Kimber, D.

Accepted / Labour Economics

Is private education worth it? Evidence from school-to-work transitions in Chile

Dante Contreras, Jorge Rodríguez, and Sergio Urzúa

Accepted / Management Science

Short of capital: Stock Market Implications of Short Sellers’ Losses

Gargano, A., Sotes-Paladino, J., Verwijmeren, P.

Forthcoming / Journal of Labor Economics

Recidivism and Neighborhood Institutions: Evidence from the Rise of the Pentecostal Church in Chile

Andrés Barrios and Jorge Garcia-Hombrados

Forthcoming / Management Science

Does Employing Skilled Immigrants Enhance Competitive Performance? Evidence from European Football Clubs.

Glennon, B., Morales, F., Carnahan, S., & Hernandez, E.

Forthcoming / Revista Médica de Chile

Combining Data from the National Health Survey with GES Depression Notifications to Improve the Prevalence Estimation of Depression in Chile.

Daniela Jaques, Francisco Bustamante, Ricardo Aravena, Leonardo D. Epstein, José A. Mozó.

Academic Seminars 2024

March 13, 2024Theory, IO, Org Econ / Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge EconomyEnrique Ide / IESE
March 22, 2024IO, Innovation, Theory / Health Insurance Markets with Endogenous RisksAlvaro Parra / UBC Sauder
April 5, 2024Labor, Health, Org Econ, and Pol Econ / Returns to Fields of Study and the Gender Earnings GapPablo Muñoz / FEN
April 12, 2024Macroeconomics / Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Disaggregated EconomiesErnesto Pastén / Banco Central de Chile
April 19, 2024International and monetary macro / Regressive Trend Inflation ShocksAlejandro Vicondoa / PUC
April 26, 2024Development / Ex ante risk and schooling investment in the presence of dynamic complementaryAndrew Foster / Brown University
May 3, 2024Labor / Directed Technical Change: Evidence from U.S. Rural ElectrificationJeanne Lafortune / PUC
May 17, 2024Organizational Economics / TBCJordi Blanes-i-Vidal / LSE
May 24, 2024Strategy / Artificial Intelligence and Strategic Decision-Making: Evidence from Entrepreneurs and InvestorsFelipe Csaszar / UMich Ross
May 31, 2024Jorge Vasquez / Smith College
June 7, 2024Behavioral & Development Economics / Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad DevelopmentJulia Seither / U. del Rosario
June 14, 2024Mechanism Design, Auctions, Dynamic Games / A collusion-proof efficient dynamic mechanismHeng Liu / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
June 28, 2024IO, Education / Physicians’ Occupational Licensing and the quantity-quality tradeoffTomás Larrocau / ASU
July 12, 2024IO, Quant Marketing / Vertical Integration Between Hospitals and InsurersCarlos Noton / PUC
August 2, 2024MacroeconomicsCarlos Rondón / Banco Central de Chile
August 9, 2024International Trade, Industrial Organization, and Development EconomicsPamela Medina / U. of Toronto
August 23, 2024IOYing Fan / Michigan
August 30, 2024Operations Management, InnovationMarcelo Olivares / Universidad de Chile
September 6, 2024Growth, Pol Econ, DevelopmentGiorgio Chiovelli / U. de Montevideo
September 13, 2024Applied Theory (Pol Econ) / TBCKeith Schnakenberg / Wash U St. Louis
September 27, 2024IORob Clark / Queen’s
October 4, 2024MarketingSeung Chan Choi / Rutgers
October 11, 2024IOMo Xiao / Arizona
October 18, 2024AccountingElizabeth Gutierrez / U. de Chile – FEN
October 25, 2024MarketingGerard J. Tellis / USC
November 5, 2024Labor and Public EconomicsJan Stuhler / U. Carlos III
November 15, 2024Corporate Finance, Information EconJesse Davis / UNC
November 22, 2024Public, IOCailin Slattery / Berkeley
November 28, 2024Labor, EducationBarbara Biasi / Yale

Academic Seminars 2023

Date Field/Title Speaker
March 3, 2023 The Dollar and Corporate Borrowing Costs Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr / Federal Reserve Board
March 8, 2023 Interactions Among Multivariate Oscillating Time Series in Neural Circuits Rob Kass / Carnegie Mellon University
March 10, 2023 Rational Exuberance and Bubbles Awaya, Yu / University of Rochester
March 24, 2023 College and gender wage gaps Juan Jose Matta / Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
March 31, 2023 Cognitive Ability, Education, and Fertility Risk Agustín Díaz / Banco Central, Chile
April 14, 2023 The Social Geography of Misconduct Santiago Truffa / ESE Business School, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
April 21, 2023 Monitoring, Organizational Culture, and the Efficiency of Public Procurement Pablo Celhay / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
April 28, 2023 From Deforestation to Reforestation: The Role of General Deterrence in Changing Farmer’s Behavior Ricardo Dahis / PUC – Rio
May 5, 2023 College access when preparedness matters: New evidence from large advantages in college admissions Michela Tincani / University College London
May 12, 2023 The Rise of a Nudge: Field Experiment and Machine Learning on Minimum and Full Credit Card Payments Daniel Schwarz / Universidad de Chile, Centro de Economía Aplicada
May 19, 2023 German Long-Term Health Insurance: Theory Meets Evidence Juan Pablo Atal / University of Pennsylvania
May 23, 2023 Reducing Leverage While Increasing Delinquency Risk Mauricio Larraín / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
May 26, 2023 Returns to Human Capital Investment Beyond College Sebastian Gallegos / Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
June 2, 2023 The Effect of Immigration Policy on Founding Location Choice: Evidence from Canada’s Start-up Visa Program Britta Glennon / The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania
June 9, 2023 Procuring Drugs while Regulating the Private Market Carla Guadalupi / Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
June 16, 2023 Crime-differential responses to an environmental shock: Evidence from blackouts Patricio Dominguez / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
June 23, 2023   Andrés Musalem / Universidad de Chile, Centro de Economía Aplicada
June 30, 2023   José-Alberto Guerra / Universidad de los Andes – Colombia
August 4, 2023 Applied Economic Theory / Political Science Keith Schnakenberg / Washington University in Saint Louis
August 11, 2023 Macroeconomics Mariana García-Schmidt / Central Bank of Chile
August 18, 2023   Workshop on Economics of Education
August 25, 2023 Environmental / Industrial Organization Marcelo Sant´Anna / FGV EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance
August 29, 2023 Corporate Finance Felipe Cabezón / Virginia Tech
September 8, 2023 Development Economics Nicolás de Roux / Universidad de los Andes – Colombia
September 29, 2023 Industrial Organization Alexander MacKay / Harvard University
October 6, 2023 Macro Labor Tomás Guanziroli / PUC Rio
October 13, 2023 Marketing Davide Proserpio / University of Southern California
October 20, 2023 Finance Dong Lou / London School of Economics
November 3, 2023 Applied Economics Barbara Biasi / Yale School of Management
November 10, 2023 Industrial Organization Felix Montag / Dartmouth College
November 17, 2023 Finance Chong Huang / University of California, Irvine
November 24, 2023 Applied Economic Theory Inés Moreno de Barreda / University of Oxford
December 5, 2023 Urban Milena Almagro / The University of Chicago Booth School of Business



  • Major in Economics
  • Major in Finance
  • Major in Marketing & Data Analytics

  • Major in International Business
  • Major in Economics
  • Major in Finance
  • Major in Marketing & Data Analytics



Address the challenges faced by companies competing in global markets, as they navigate a world in which competitive advantages are greatly influenced by the cultural, economic, technological, legal and political business environments.


  • Global Business Environments
  • Latin American Politics
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Principles of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Marketing I
  • People Development
  • Comparative International Law
  • International Trade
  • International Finance


Master the language of business and solve complex financial problems and real-world challenges faced by investors, financial institutions and corporations. Learn how to determine a company’s financial position, evaluate business opportunities and mitigate risks. Develop expertise in corporate finance, investments strategies and make the most of the opportunities offered by financial markets.


  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • Financial Analysis
  • Corporate Finance
  • Bloomberg I
  • Bloomberg II
  • Investment Theory
  • International Finance
  • Applied Portfolio Management
  • Empirical Methods
  • Advanced Corporate Finance
  • Business Ethics
  • Asset Pricing


Develop economic thinking to understand and predict the behavior of groups of individuals, companies and governments. Use math and statistical tools to develop models that explain human behavior and countrywide events. Learn how to conduct research and design public policies that help solve resource allocation problems in education, health and poverty. 


  • Principles of Economics
  • Introduction to Microeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics I
  • Macroeconomics II
  • Industrial Organization
  • Competitive Strategy
  • Corporate Organization
  • Microeconomics Theory


Develop an understanding of customer behavior through data analysis. Build behavior-prediction models, design and implement successful marketing strategies, and leverage on digital tools to position companies as industry leaders in the minds of consumers.


  • Principles of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Marketing I
  • Marketing II
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Empirical Methods
  • New Product Development
  • Business Ethics
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Decision Models in Marketing
  • Applied Marketing Project


Master in Finance

Program Director: Mario Tessada

Make sound investment and financing decisions based on financial and economic theory, and solid ethical principles. Understand the relation between fundamentals and the value of companies. Design long-term investment strategies, build investment portfolios based on risk profiles and manage them applying modern theory and computational tools. Value alternative assets and make the best use of global financial markets to solve complex corporate problems.

Master in Economics

Program Director: Nicolás Riquelme

As an economic analyst in the business world, the consulting industry, a central bank or government, you will be able to promote adequate public, fiscal or monetary policies. Learn consumer theory, econometric methods, and theory of the firm, to address problems related to companies and markets.

Master in Marketing & Data Analytics

Program Director: David Kimber

Utilize scientific knowledge and tools to conduct deep data analysis within and outside organizations. Understand consumer behavior, develop new products, and design communication strategies on the back of well structured processes and solid ethical principles.

Master in Sustainable Innovation

Program Director: Anil Sadarangani

Analyze the complete Innovation process using the Penta-Helix Model’s systemic approach. Draw upon UANDES’s competitive advantage on scientific, public, social, environmental and industrial innovation backed by its strong commitment to research and innovation, and partnership with different sectors.


International Students

Why UANDES in Santiago, Chile?

Young and lively university, among the top 3 in Chile

Beautiful campus: 128 acres of modern infrastructure and green areas at the foot of the Andes mountains

Launch your career: 95% of graduates employed within two years  (source:
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Learn or improve your Spanish in courses offered especially for international students

Climb the mountains at the school’s backyard or ride amazing waves in the Pacific Ocean, just a few hours away. Explore the wonders of Patagonia, travel through the Atacama desert or visit the magical Easter Island.

Play soccer or paddle on the campus’ courts, be part of a musical, or hang out with friends. Whatever your style, live the Latin American culture and enrich your academic experience at UANDES with personal development that will last a lifetime.

International Partnerships

Our students will have the exciting opportunity to select from a wide spectrum of universities for their exchange semester abroad. Below, you’ll find a list of our partner institutions for our two undergraduate programs: